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Vol 30 numéro 2 >

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Title: President's report
Authors: Friesen, Gerald
Issue Date: 2020-01-28
Publisher: Canadian Historical Association / Société historique du Canada
Series/Report no.: Vol 30 numéro 2;
Abstract: The CHA Council and volunteers have pursued three chief activities in recent decades: first, they have supported historical research, including the communication of historians'work at this annual conference and in the Historical Journal; second, they have provided a number of ancillary services to members, including the presentation of awards that recognize and advertise noteworthy publications and the distribution of the triannual Bulletin containing news related to history and historians; and, third, they often act as the public face of historians, lobbying parliament and granting councils to ensure that public policies serve our needs and those of the community.
Appears in Collections:Vol 30 numéro 2

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