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Title: Panafrican Research Agenda on the Pedagogical Uses of ICTs, version préliminaire
Authors: Karsenti, Thierry
Issue Date: 2006-10
Publisher: CRDI
Citation: Karsenti, T. (2006). Panafrican Research Agenda on the Pedagogical Uses of ICTs, version préliminaire. Ottawa, ON : CRDI.
Abstract: This document presents the first steps in the elaboration of a panafrican research agenda on the pedagogical integration of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in an African school context. More specifically,we have attempted to identify the main challenges inherent to the pedagogical uses of ICTs in education. Pedagogical integration of ICTs takes place when the use of technology allows for either improved teaching or enhanced learning (Karsenti and Larose, 2005). This issue, based upon the the relatively scant existing African literature but also on the much more abundant European and North-American scientific literature, has enabled us to identify key research questions which the International Development Research Centre - Canada (IDRC) could emphasize within the framework of an important project on the pedagogical integration of ICTs in the educational systems of the African continent. Research objectives complete this report.
Appears in Collections:Rapports de recherche du CRIFPE

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