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Title: Research Cycles
Authors: Bramoullé, Yann
Saint-Paul, Gilles
Keywords: Research dynamics
Innovation cycles
Issue Date: 2007-02
Series/Report no.: Cahiers du CIRPÉE;07-04
Abstract: This paper studies the dynamics of fundamental research. We develop a simple model where researchers allocate their effort between improving existing fields and inventing new ones. A key assumption is that scientists derive utility from recognition from other scientists. We show that the economy can be either in a regime where new fields are constantly invented, and then converges to a steady state, or in a cyclical regime where periods of innovation alternate with periods of exploitation. We characterize the cyclical dynamics of the economy, show that indeterminacy may appear, and establish some comparative statics and welfare implications.
Appears in Collections:Cahiers de recherche du CIRPÉE

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