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Vol 23 numéro 2  >

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Title: Un-Canadian activities ? Responses to a Bulletin survey
Authors: Legault, Lise
Issue Date: 2020-02-04
Publisher: Canadian Historical Association / Société historique du Canada
Series/Report no.: Vol 23 numéro 3;
Abstract: Is there a crisis in non-Canadian studies? In the Fall of 1996 the editors of the Bulletin asked readers to answer a series of questions about the challenges of scholarship in “non- Canadian” fields in Canada, wanting to know whether it was difficult for historians in such fields to find jobs, funding, or recognition. The value of Canadian history as a branch of good citizenship is clear enough, although it often receives no more than token recognition. What is the experience of historians in other fields?
Appears in Collections:Vol 23 numéro 2

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