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Showing results 148 to 150 of 150
Why are new French immersion and French as a second language teachers leaving the profession? Results of a Canada-wide survey
Karsenti, Thierry; Collin, Simon; Villeneuve, Stéphane; Dumouchel, Gabriel; Roy, Normand
Issue Date : 2008-11

Why are new French immersion and French as a second language teachers leaving the profession? Results of a Canada-wide Survey, Summary Report
Karsenti, Thierry; Collin, Simon; Villeneuve, Stéphane; Dumouchel, Gabriel; Roy, Normand
Issue Date : 2008-11

Youth in Two Anglophone High Schools in the Montreal Area: Survey on Language Practices
Gérin-Lajoie, D.; Falenchuk, O.; Lenouvel, C.; Perris, K.
Issue Date : 2009-10

Showing results 148 to 150 of 150


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