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Title: Why are new French immersion and French as a second language teachers leaving the profession? Results of a Canada-wide Survey, Summary Report
Authors: Karsenti, Thierry
Collin, Simon
Villeneuve, Stéphane
Dumouchel, Gabriel
Roy, Normand
Issue Date: 2008-11
Publisher: Canadian Association of Immersion Teachers
Citation: Karsenti, T., Collin, S., Villeneuve, S., Dumouchel, G., & Roy, N. (2008). Why are new French immersion and French as a second language teachers leaving the profession? Results of a Canada-wide Survey, Summary Report. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association of Immersion Teachers.
ISBN: 978-0-9811498-4-4
Appears in Collections:Rapports de recherche du CRIFPE

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