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Browsing « CIRANO - Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations » by Title
Showing results 92 to 111 of 1074
Calibration and Resolution Diagnostics for Bank of England Density Forecasts | Galbraith, John; van Norden, Simon | Issue Date : 2009-08 |
The Calibration of Probabilistic Economic Forecasts | Galbraith, John; van Norden, Simon | Issue Date : 2008-11 |
Canada's Dairy Supply Management: Comprehensive Review and Outlook for the Future | Doyon, Maurice | Issue Date : 2011-10 |
The Canadian Public Venture Capital Market | Carpentier, Cécile; Suret, Jean-Marc | Issue Date : 2009-04 |
Canadian Securities Regulation: Issues And Challenges | Suret, Jean-Marc; Carpentier, Cécile | Issue Date : 2003-08 |
Can Capital Markets Create Incentives for Pollution Control? | Lanoie, Paul; Laplante, Benoit; Roy, Maité | Issue Date : 1997-02 |
Can Corruption Be Studied in the Lab? Comparing a Field and a Lab Experiment | Armantier, Olivier; Boly, Amadou | Issue Date : 2008-09 |
Can Financial Intermediation Induce Economic Fluctuations? | Banerji, Sanjay; Long, Ngo Van | Issue Date : 2000-11 |
Can the Theory of Incentives Explain Decentralization? | Poitevin, Michel | Issue Date : 2000-09 |
Capacity Commitment Versus Flexibility: The Technological Choice Nexus in a Strategic Context | Boyer, Marcel; Moreaux, Michel | Issue Date : 1995-01 |
Capital-Labor Substitution, Structural Change and Growth | Alvarez-Cuadrado, Francisco; Long, Ngo Van | Issue Date : 2011-11 |
Capital Labor Substitution, Structural Change, and the Labor Income Share | Alvarez-Cuadrado, Francisco; Long, Ngo Van; Poschke, Markus | Issue Date : 2014-01 |
Capital Structure and Risk Management | Gobert, Karine | Issue Date : 2001-09 |
CAPM, Components of Beta and the Cross Section of Expected Returns | Cenesizoglu, Tolga; Reeves, Jonathan J. | Issue Date : 2013-04 |
Carbon Credits for Forests and Forest Products | Cairns, Robert C.; Lasserre, Pierre | Issue Date : 2001-02 |
Career Concerns of Top Executives, Managerial Ownership and CEO Succession | Boyer, M. Martin; Molina, Hernan Ortiz | Issue Date : 2004-05 |
Career Starts and the Male-Female Wage Gap | Havet, Nathalie; Lacroix, Guy | Issue Date : 2003-09 |
The Causal Effect of High School Employment on Educational Attainment in Canada | Parent, Daniel | Issue Date : 2002-04 |
The CCCTB option an experimental study | Keser, Claudia; Kimpel, Gerrit; Oestreicher, Andreas | Issue Date : 2014-04 |
La charge fiscale nette des particuliers au Québec et dans les pays du G7 : le Québec est en excellente position et maintes fois champion des réductions fiscales! | Godbout, Luc; St-Cerny, Suzie | Issue Date : 2008-05 |
Showing results 92 to 111 of 1074