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Title: Genetics and Life Insurance: A Comparative Analysis
Authors: Lemmens, Trudo
Joly, Yann
Knoppers, Bartha Maria
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: Centre de recherche en droit public
Abstract: The debate surrounding the role of life insurance, the necessity of risk rating, and the notion of “acceptable discrimination” has raised questions about the larger social role of insurance. Recent developments in the field of genetics, allowing insurers to make use of genetic testing technology as a new underwriting tool, have reinvigorated this debate. This article presents a comparative study of positions taken in countries on issues in genetics and life insurance. We will analyze the 43 selected countries and comment on their potential for ensuring a more equitable access for life insurance applicants.
Appears in Collections:Axe 3 Droit, biotechnologie et rapport au milieu

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