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Title: INHERIT BRCAs Partnering in Oncogenetic Research - The INHERIT BRCAs Experience: Opportunities and Challenges
Authors: Avard,Denise
Bridge, Peter
Bucci, Lucie M.
Chiquette, J.
Dorval, michel
Durocher, Francine
Easton, D.
Godard, Béatrice
Goldgar, D.
Knoppers, Bartha Maria
Laframboise, R.
Lespérance, B.
Plante, M.
Tavtigian, SV
Vézina, H.
Wilson, Brenda
Simard, Jacques
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing Limited
Appears in Collections:Axe 3 Droit, biotechnologie et rapport au milieu

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