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Title: The Lack of Credibility on the Web and its Ramifications Under Quebec's Consumer Protection Act
Authors: Vermeys, Nicolas
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Lex Electronica
Abstract: This article takes a look at the legal ramifications of the recent Consumers International study entitled “Credibility on the Web”. As explained in the study, many websites that aren't merchant owned are popping up on the Web and offering information to consumers regarding certain products and services. Unfortunately, since these sites are owned by third parties in regards to the consumer-merchant relationship, they put forth a whole new legal debate as to the amount of protection that is to be given to consumers who bought goods under the counsel of these “third party sites”. This text aims at establishing the basis of such a legal debate under Quebec consumerism laws, and to put forth possible solutions in regards to a consumer's claim against third party sites.
Appears in Collections:Axe 2 Droit et technologie d'information et de communication

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