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Title: Perspectives on IT Outsourcing Success: Covariance Structure Modelling of a Survey of Outsourcing in Australia
Authors: Aubert, Benoit
Corbitt, Brian
Rouse, Anne C.
Issue Date: 2001-03
Publisher: Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations (CIRANO)
Series/Report no.: Série scientifique (CIRANO);2001s-18
Scientific series (CIRANO);2001s-18
Abstract: L'Australie a été un pionnier dans l'adoption de l'impartition pour les services informatiques. Toutefois, les résultats ont été mitigés. Avec plus de deux cent répondants, provenant des 1000 plus grandes entreprises australiennes, cette étude et une des plus larges et représentatives faites jusqu'à0501ntenant. Une analyse des structure de co-variance, de même qu'une anlayse factorielle confirmatoire jettent un regard neuf sur la notion de succès de l'impartition. L'étude met en lumière le caractère complexe et multi-dimensionel de ce succès.

Australia has been at the forefront of the adoption of outsourcing as a means for delivering IT services, but the success of IT outsourcing in Australia has been mixed. With two hundred and forty one responses from the top 1000 IT users in the country, the survey reported in this paper is one of the largest and most representative IT outsourcing studies in the world. Covariance structure modelling and confirmatory factor analysis has shed new light on the concept of outsourcing success, highlighting its complex, multidimensional nature. It has also confirmed many insights gained to date from qualitative research. Analysis also emphasises the importance to the outsourcing relationship of the management processes adopted by the client organization.
ISSN: 1198-8177
Appears in Collections:Cahiers scientifiques

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