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Showing results 4903 to 4922 of 5632
Robust Multidimensional Spatial Poverty Comparisons in Ghana, Madagascar, and Uganda | Duclos, Jean-Yves; Sahn, David; Younger, Stephen D. | Issue Date : 2005-10 |
The Robustness of Economic Activity to Destructive Events | Galbraith, John | Issue Date : 2009-05 |
Robust Sign-Based and Hodges-Lehmann Estimators in Linear Median Regressions with Heterogenous Serially Dependent Errors | Coudin, Elise; Dufour, Jean-Marie | Issue Date : 2011-02 |
Le rôle de la prison dans la production de l'itinérance | Laberge, Danielle; Landreville, Pierre; Morin, Daphné; Casavant, Lyne; Charest, René | Issue Date : 1998 |
Rôle des pratiques d'empowerment et de rémunération sur la performance des ressources humaines : un enjeu méthodologique | Chênevert, Denis; Tremblay, Michel | Issue Date : 2003-09 |
The Role of Country and the Effectiveness of Compensation Strategies in Technology-Intensive Firms | Tremblay, Michel; Chênevert, Denis | Issue Date : 2003-09 |
The Role of Organizational Commitment and Citizenship Behaviors in Understanding Relations between Human Resources Practices and Turnover Intentions of IT Personnel | Lalonde, Patrick; Paré, Guy; Tremblay, Michel | Issue Date : 2001-03 |
The Role of Organizational Justice in Pay and Employee Benefit Satisfaction, and Its Effects on Work Attitudes | Balkin, David B.; Sire, Bruno; Tremblay, Michel | Issue Date : 1998-06 |
The Role of Polygyny in the Intrahousehold Efficiency of Agricultural Production in West Africa | Dauphin, Anyck | Issue Date : 2013-08 |
The Role of Social Image Concerns in the Design of Legal Regimes | Deffains, Bruno; Fluet, Claude | Issue Date : 2013-08 |
Le rôle stratégique de la politique de la concurrence du Canada | Rioux, Michèle | Issue Date : 2000 |
Rolling-Sample Volatility Estimators: Some New Theoretical, Simulation and Empirical Results | Andreou, Elena; Ghysels, Eric | Issue Date : 2000-05 |
A romance of the three kingdoms and the tale of two cities: the role and position of the biotechnology industry cluster in Guangdong province, China | Hanel, Petr; He, Jie; Fu, Jingyan; Niosi, Jorge; Reid, Suzan | Issue Date : 2013-03 |
RTAs' Proliferation and Trade-Diversion Effects: Evidence of the "Spaghetti Bowl" Phenomenon | Sorgho, Zakaria | Issue Date : 2015-06 |
La rue : Étape vers l'émancipation dans l'imaginaire de l'adolescent prostitué | Moïse, Jacques | Issue Date : 2000 |
A Rule-driven Approach for Defining the Behavior of Negotiating Software Agents | Alj, Hakim; Benyoucef, Morad; Keller, Rudolf K; Levy, Kim | Issue Date : 2002-03 |
Rules of Proof, Courts, and Incentives | Demougin, Dominique; Fluet, Claude | Issue Date : 2006-10 |
Rural Policies and Poverty in Tanzania: an Agricultural Household Model-Based Assessment | Tiberti, Luca; Tiberti, Marco | Issue Date : 2012-08 |
Rural Protestant Schools | MacLeod, Roderick; Poutanen, Mary Anne | Issue Date : 2015 |
Rythmes et flux des migrations | Choquette, Leslie | Issue Date : 2008-08-17 |
Showing results 4903 to 4922 of 5632