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Showing results 2363 to 2382 of 5632
History on the Web / L’Histoire sur le Web | Brett, Lougheed | Issue Date : 2020-01-28 |
History Outside the Classroom / L’histoire à l’extérieur de la salle de classe | - | Issue Date : 2019-12-12 |
History Outside the Classroom / L’histoire à l’extérieur de la salle de classe | Hartemann, Aline | Issue Date : 2019-12-12 |
History PhDs in US finding jobs... sort of. What about in Canada? | Talbot, Robert J. | Issue Date : 2020-01-08 |
History south of the Rio Grande | Anderson, Mark | Issue Date : 2020-01-29 |
Holdups and Overinvestment in Physical Capital Markets | Kurmann, André | Issue Date : 2009-01 |
Hooray ! It's our birthday ! / C'est notre anniversaire, youpi! | - | Issue Date : 2020-01-29 |
Hope against Hope: Persistent Canadian Unions in the Interwar Years | Huberman, Michael; Young, Denise | Issue Date : 2000-09 |
Horizon Effect in the Term Structure of Long-Run Risk-Return Trade-Offs | Okou, Cédric; Jacquier, Éric | Issue Date : 2014-07 |
Household Allocations and Endogenous Information | de Laat, Joost | Issue Date : 2008-09 |
Household Incidence of Pollution Control Policies: a Robust Welfare Analysis Using General Equilibrium Effects | Araar, Abdelkrim; Dissou, Yazid; Duclos, Jean-Yves | Issue Date : 2008-06 |
How and Why do Investors Trade Votes, and What Does it Mean? | Christoffersen, Susan E. K.; Geczy, Christopher C.; Musto, David K.; Reed, Adam V. | Issue Date : 2004-05 |
How Cenral Banks Learn the True Model of the Economy | Ravenna, Federico | Issue Date : 2014-03 |
How cost-effective are Canadian IPO markets? | Suret, Jean-Marc; Kooli, Maher | Issue Date : 2002-10 |
How Did Ontario Pulp and Paper Producers Respond to Effluent Regulations, 1985-89? | Fearnley, Joan; Lanoie, Paul; Thomas, Mark | Issue Date : 1996-10 |
How do Canadians celebrate and commemorate our past? | Hayday, Matthew | Issue Date : 2020-01-08 |
How Do Firms Hedge Risks? Empirical Evidence from U.S Oil and Gas Producers | Mnasri, Mohamed; Dionne, Geoges; Gueyie, Jean-Pierre | Issue Date : 2013-04 |
How Do Young People Choose College Majors ? | Cannings, Kathy; Mahseredjian, Sophie; Montmarquette, Claude | Issue Date : 1997-11 |
How Falsifiable is the Collective Model? a New Test with an Application to Monogamous and Bigamous Households in Burkina Faso | Dauphin, Anyck; Fortin, Bernard; Lacroix, Guy | Issue Date : 2015-04 |
How important are intergenerational transfers of time : A macroeconomic analysis | Cardia, Emanuela; Ng, Serena | Issue Date : 2000 |
Showing results 2363 to 2382 of 5632